Welcome Home!

SoulFire Circles are community drum and dance ceremonies where we sing, drum, dance and pray together. Each in our own way with music and gratitude we acknowledge the unseen allies of the universe. We see each other as ones who choose to be part of a Living Prophecy to help renew the spirit of all through collaboration with music, prayer, art and dance. SoulFire Circles are opportunities to engage with Art in Action as a tool to offer blessings for the renewal of our self, our people and our planet.

The purpose of SoulFire Circles is to invite and inspire our collectives to participate in a Living Prophecy that can help to revitalize the soul of a people and a planet in crisis.

There are only instigators at SoulFire Circles.

With our actions, and our community circles, our intention is to inspire a network of individuals and collectives that will gather with us, all around the planet, to make offerings and blessings for the waters, the earth mother and the harmony of all beings.

SoulFire Circles are designed to feed the frequency of global transformation through ceremonies centered around the drum, and a sacred fire. Whether under the night sky or a candle lit altar, we share music, dance, prayer, collaborative art and poetry as we circumambulate the fire. SoulFire Circles invite the people of all nations to come together and weave a new way of honoring our personal paths while dancing harmony, into reality. We know that we are stronger together and that it is time to unite our forces and be the change, be the prayer, be the peace, that can Help the Heart of Humanity Heal, One Fire At A Time.